Governor Gavin Newsom has been a LGBTQ+ ally since he was mayor in San Francisco, issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. So it comes as no surprise that he has and will continue to pass legislation to give more equality to LGBTQ+ people, but to also challenge stereotypes that breed a toxic environment, which can negatively affect non LGBTQ+ people as well (such as ‘toxic masculinity’).

One of the legislation challenging stereotypes is Assembly Bill 1084, authored by gay Assembly member Evan Low. This bill will require retailers with more than 500 employees to eliminate both a girl’s or boy’s section, or include a gender neutral section. Low’s hopes with the bill is to encourage businesses to avoid reinforcing negative or outdated stereotypes.

Another one, AB 746, authored by lesbian Assembly member Sabrina Cervantes, aims to make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt. Some counties have required a minimum duration of a marriage, civil union or domestic partnership in order for adoption to take place, as well as a minimum education or income threshold. AB 746 eliminates those requirements; it should come to no surprise that these requirements unfairly target LGBTQ+ people (and was definitely worse when same-sex marriage wasn’t allowed).